A few years ago a teenage girl called me a Renaissance Woman. It caught me off guard!
My first thought was, "Self find out what in the world that is!" Though I was probably old enough to be her mother, and had a preteen son at the time, I didn't know if this may be the new naughty word to call your mother or other forboding adult, although our circumstances and interaction didn't seem to warrant such name calling.
The second thing that my self doubt immediately conjured in my mind were images of a tall thin woman, with drastically tight curls placed in precise rows all over her head, with just the right amount of grooming powder to be chalky white. She wore a stout headband of gold inlaid with gemstone ornaments, that seemed to signify authority. In my mind her eyebrows were arched in a tentative snarl, and her lips where puckered into a harsh pout. I saw tall, stiff, crisply starched ruffles all around her neck with a tightly laced bodice cinching in her waistline. The sleeves were exaggeratedly over sized bishop style with just enough room above the top of the puff to allow her eyes to view the world beyond her sleeve when she dared to turn her head ever so slightly to see in another direction. The skirt of her scratchy linen attire was tucked and pleated to form a long train that commanded attention as it swished and rustled along a cold stone courtyard surface.
OH MY...What Was I?
OH MY...What Was I?
This sweet teenage girl, named Rachel incidentally, with two simple words, had thrown my self -conscious soul into a downward spiral. Didn't she know I had two sons who would most likely be humiliated to have a Renaissance Woman for a Mom! Whatever that may be. How "uncool" was that? What if they hung their heads in shame, and cowered before their classmates?
Wait, I turned to look again, and Rachel the sweet teenager was smiling, and her voice held a tone of admiration when she spoke those words, "Wow! You must be a Renaissance Woman!" I smiled. I felt a small lurch of hope jump up from somewhere deep inside of me. I heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a bad thing. I didn't know. How in the world could I find out?

A few days later, to my surprised delight, I received an email from Kathryn asking me if it would be OK to feature me along with some other ladies, on her blog and e - newsletter. This is the "article" where she inserted me.
One thing you must know...I would never in a buzillion, gamillion years, personally describe myself as an RW. But I have decided that it is just fine to try my very hardest to be one. AND it's not the original version I saw in my mind...I like Kathryn's description oh so much much more. Um, let's see...what would the boys say? I think they are OK with it too!
Kathryn, Thank you for the honor to be featured with the other RW on your blog and e-newsletter. Thank you for the joy you've given me. Keep writing and sharing your creativity!
Have a wonderful day.
Love, Rachel
P.S. Read Kathryn's newer article on Renaissance Men. I've decided they are the ones that RW marry! So if you are a single RW, look for a single RM! Just an idea!
What a fun post...you RW! It made me smile...I guess I didn't know what a RW was either...you have enlightened me! The plate and teacup are so very beautiful! Hope that you are having a wonderful day!
Your description of what came to mind of a RW when the teenager called you one was so funny! You are not that kind of a person. You inspire me to dig deeper into myself and learn more about me Your writing and pictures are always so very, very good,
Have a wonderful day, Love you, Donnie
Embrace the Renaissance Woman within! :)
So interesting! I haven't yet had the time to read Katheryn's article in detail, but I skimmed over her thoughts on the subject. I can say growing up that I never liked that term or the image it conjured up in my mind! I didn't want to be one! LOL! But the older I get the more I am seeing things differently. Good for Kathryn to give all RW a new view of themselves to project to the world! I'm all for being ourselves and embracing our uniqueness! And I like the new updated version of what a RW is so much better than that old image!
You are a lovely lady, Rachel! I agree with the previous commenter, embrace the Renaissance Woman within!
That is so interesting. I wouldn't have known what a Renaissance Woman was, either.
A neat post! And you were definitely tagged properly! You fit the description of RW!!
Have a good evening.
Love, Esther
Good evening, lovely Renaissance Woman!
Love all your photos.... as always.
"Happiness is contagious...when you reflect happiness, then all others around you catch the happy bug and are happy, too."
Have a great night!
Rachel what a fab post. I had no idea either what an RW was either. They say you learn something new every day...well i have now so THANKYOU.
And yes my love you are a RW.
Live it. Love it :)
I know your main interest is decorating, but you'd make a fine writer!
Wow Rachel what an Honor! I sure do hope to be a RW one day. I am working on it. ;-)
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