Did I say I took a NAP? Oh well, I sure got a lot done!

Oh! Candy, if knowing how to use jumper cables on Monday morning, brings me this on Monday afternoon, then I will help start your car EVERY Monday morning!!!
Thank you for the flowers! I LOVE them. They are so cheery! That was so thoughtful of you.
Hey ya'll, I hope you had a nice "nap". I sure did! What all did you do, while I "snoozed"?
Happy Tuesday!
Love, Rachel
Dear Rachel,
More beautiful pictures! Looks like you have accomplished a lot since you woke up. I know you are happy to see the little yellow flower stick it head out from under the warm cover.
Have a cheerful day, Love you, Donnie
I missed you, I'm glad you are back. :~)
Welcome back, Rachel...hope that you had a nice snooze! Missed ya! Loved the beautiful pictures of your creations and the pretty flowers!(I must admit..I wouldn't know what to do with jumper cables! ha! Guess I should learn, though!)Hope that you are having a great day!
Hi Rachel,
Your chandelier looks so pretty painted white. I was in a little antique shop last week in N.C. and one of the booths had one like this and she took different vintage teacups and tied them on each arm with pink ribbon. She also put a decorative clear bead garland around it. It was so so cute. I am thinking about making one like it.
LeAnn :)
Hi! Glad you woke up! It was quiet without you!
I love your chandelier! And I'm happy you got flowers for being nice to someone! That was sweet of both of you!
Have a fun day!
Love, Esther
LeAnn, I am going to put bead garland on this one too. I have glass beads that are all different colors, that I think I will use. I'm going to see if I like it first. You will love yours when you get it fixed. Love,Rachel
Pretty look! Missed you Rachel!
While you snoozed, I went to Blue Moon Gardens, my favorite nursery out in the country. Really a beautiful, soothing place to be. On a big acreage with little houses and vignettes of gardens and all sorts of great stuff. Came home with a lot of new herbs. Better get out there and see to them!
Beautiful chandy!! I just love it - and it is in the perfect home.
Love that first picture! The chandelier is beautiful! I love how it feels to be artistic and get things done at the same time!
Wow, who could sleep with all that beauty around!!!! Sweet dreams while your wide awake!!!~
I just love spring!! Everything seems to wake up from it's long winters sleep. Including our inspirations too I think:-).
Have a wonderful evening!
Rachel - what a busy girl! I love the chandelier!!! Love, Esther
Hey Rachel,
I cleaned (not finished yet), walked through the garden and most of all - missed you and your posts, sweet friend! Hey, I know how to use jumper cables too, don't all decorating ladies? Smiles, sweets!
Happy evening!
Beautiful pictures Rachel! I love that window seat :)
The chandelier looks wonderful. I hope you enjoyed your nap ;)
Your home is gorgeous! And I love the painted chandelier...nice work!!! I long for a nap...or bed? Afterall it is 12:30 am here...lol!
Wow! I love what you did with the chandelier! It looks awesome!
:0) Sharon
I don't know anything about blogging. . .I'm still trying to figure out how my new cell phone works! I do love your "A Romantic Porch", though.
I wanted to let you know that I would really like to know more about you, too.
In the Lamb, Cheryl
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