Now for your LOVELY feast to the eyes for the day, Toots from Glimpses of our World, who's porch is featured on the sidebar, has so graciously consented to show you some more photos of her beautiful home. Isn't that sweet? So if you click here, you will go right to them. The photo above is just a sample of what you will see there! Enjoy!
Well ya'll that's about it for now. As you can see, around here there is never a dull moment. I want to tell you to drop and enjoy some lemonade with me on the back porch, but I realize that may be an understatement. Instead I might hand you a paintbrush or a hammer and say, "have at it"! So drop by anytime...but beware!
Love, Rachel
Just in from a tiny break...how do you like the two tone carriage house? Soon it will ALL be pale sage green! Can't wait about that!
It looks beige here, but it's really sage green. I can't wait to plant pink flowers. Even Mr. Romantic Porch wants pink! We're good to go then! See my old bicycle in the background? I've got a plan in my head for that too.
Oh my, then there is this! Just one small section at a time please! This takes courage. I found out several years ago, when Mr. Romantic Porch set up the scaffold for me to strip about 12 (yes 12) layers of wallpaper from the front stairway, I'm not afraid of heights, I'm just afraid of falling! With that in mind, up on the "housetop" I go...well at least one level of several. Off with the old "modern" siding of the 1950's and back to the original of 1904. Why? Well...that's just what we want! We'd held out hope for several years to have the siding restored by a professional restorationist (I think that is a word!), but as you know, life happens while you're making plans, so in spare time...here we go! Hip hip hooray...I'm on my way!
Have a wonderful day and keep me in your prayers!
Love, Rachel