Today is my friend Esther's birthday. I want to wish her a happy day. And my sweet niece Amy graduates from High School tonight! Wow! Where have the years gone? Have a fun filled, memory packed, fabulous, wonderful day, Amy!
The adorable little book in the photo above is full of interesting thoughts. I wanted to share a couple of quotes with you!
"Happiness in the older years of life, like happiness in every year of life, is a matter of choice ~ your choice for yourself." Harold Azine
"Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest." Larry Lorenzoni
So my dear family and friends. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, whether you left them here, called me or emailed me. I appreciated them all so much. It is a blessing and a joy to be remembered by you!
Happy Day!
Love, Rachel
Rachel sounds like you got lots of birthday wishes. Hope your day was special
Happy birthday, Rachel! I learned about it from Ramblin' Roads. Hope you had a wonderful celebration. It looks like a beautiful party!
Oh, my! Such beautiful things you have! I love your post today!
I'm so happy you had a wonderful birthday! Now, I hope you have another wonderful day!
Love you, Esther
Rachel -
What wonderful pretties you have!
Someday I'll have to show you my collection of vintage hankerchiefs that my Great Aunt Mary gave to me (back when I was a young teen and collecting things for my hope chest). I'm sure most of them are over 50 years old by now. I have them stored in a box, trying to decide what to do with them.
Hi Rachel,
Lovely quotes - gives you something to think about in such a happy way ;)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Looks like a beautiful collection that you are gathering together...someone will be so lucky! Fun post! Have a great day! LY!
Have a wonderful day! Have you found the "ring" yet to add to the collection? You dectorations are always so beautiful.
Love you, Donnie
I love reading your blog and seeing all your pretty things. Thanks for sharing. LOL lsh
Belated Happy Birthday, Rachael.
I saw it on Ramblin Roads. I do so enjoy reading all your stuff. Sure can tell you and Karla are kin. Although you are just and
Ain't or is it Ant? I forget which one I am. Guess I answer to both. Many more Happy Birthdays!
Love seeing what your generous heart is piling up to give away. These things are all so lovely and extra special and are definitely a gift. Others would give away things they don't treasure or want and call them gifts-but not our Rachel!
I love the quote about choosing to be happy in your older years; it is absolutely true! We can all sit around and complain about what a lousy this or that has been. I think it takes a sweet heart (like yours)and an open and eager mind to stay happy. Lately, I feel I have been complaining too, too, much so I'm going to be happy for the entire weekend without complaint (especially since the squirrels are gone)!
Big Hugs,
Hi Rachel,
Loved that quote about people who have the most birthdays live the longest, that is the truth huh? We need to keep our eyes on the blessings not the wrinkles etc.!
Happiness is a choice, I choose happy!
Have a lovely weekend!
Love you tons,
Donna Lynn
You always have a lovely post! Have a beautiful weekend Rachel.
Hope I can still get in on your giveaway! Just happened upon your blog tonight...a new fun place to visit...thanks, Carrie
Happy Day, Rachel! Always love your quotes!
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