Spring Blessings
Aren't these 2 "aqua" eggs just lovely? I realize that I'm really starting to love a pale version of this color. I would call these eggs robin's egg blue, except I don't know if they ARE robin's eggs! However, they are picture perfect. Hence the picture...ta da! I'm looking forward to the day that we see these again. My husband took this picture in a past Spring. I couldn't resist showing them to you and bless both of us with the reminder that these eggs represent new life and the promise of a new season. In some interesting sort of way, the seasons come and go and come and go, and we expect it to be that way. Enjoy my little snippet of Spring and if you'd like more, jump over and visit Kari and Kajsa who are sponsoring an event for Spring Blessings. Just click here.
There is nothing more beautiful than the color of a robin's egg, is there?
We've been spying robins for a while around here. Spring is coming!
What a cheery picture! Thanks for sharing!
Have a great day!
What a lovely reminder of spring and God's blessing. The nest with eggs is picture perfect.
Corey looked in his "Bird Field Guide" and says that he thinks these are robin's eggs, too...Whatever...They are beautiful and remind me of "spring" and Easter eggs! A lovely picture! Have a great day!
Ronda, Let Corey know how much I appreciate him taking time to look that up, and let me know...such a smart boy. Love,Rachel
Good morning Rachel,
Beautiful eggs in celebration of Spring.
They sure look aqua to me as well ~ aqua or robin's egg blue, they're lovely.
Happy almost Spring - Kari and Kijsa's site is wonderful Springy ~ a happy place to visit too.
Happy (almost) Spring day!
I am actually hungry at the moment and those eggs look pretty darn good, regardless of color! Love, Esther
very lovely!
Those are soooo beautiful! I have never seen an egg of the vibrant color before. :)
Such a pretty picture! Thanks for showing us.
What a beautiful example of mother nature working her magic!
Those eggs are picture perfect, Rachel! Thanks for sharing!!
A wonderful reminder of new life. Thanks for the link to so many fantastic spring ideas.
Robin eggs, spring flowers, and sunshine. Winter is saying goodbye.
Hi Rachel,
I'm a huge fan of birds nest especially when they are accompanied by blue robins eggs...I love the way you look at things, thru the eyes of a child, pure and innocent...Your a gem Rachel!
Oh so pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Hey there ,
I just fouind your blog through Tracie @ Petite Maison.
Wow how gorgoues is the nest and those coloured eggs!!
Whta a pretty Blog you have I'll be back to read again soon!!
Then a paler version of this color is the color you should paint your room!
Beautiful picture! Which is best, looking forward to Spring, or Spring? They're both pretty neat! Thanks for sharing your picture.
Have a fun day!
Love, Esther
Those eggs are simply gorgeous! Such a lovely creation.
Just precious Rachel!!! Thank you!
Those are so beautiful. I love seeing pictures like that (I wish I could see it in real life!)they remind me of God's wonderful beauty that he created!
Thank you!
Just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these jewels from nature with us!!!
Just a quick note to tell you we are on vacation! Thanks for asking!
I'm using a computer in the rec room for now, will be home Sunday night!
Oh, I love those eggs too!! Blessings... Polly
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