Sweet Tracie, At My Petite Maison, sent me this award. You will remember her as the first featured porch on "My Romantic Porch". Thank you so much Tracie, for giving me this honor! Among other things, not the least of which is a beautiful dog ZEKE, she LOVES all things French, and because of her, I want to know more about the French language! She leaves me cheery happy comments everyday. Tracie...I'm blessed. YOU, Make My Day. I encourage you to go visit her and see her beautiful flowers, furry well loved pets, charming cottage, AND take a French lesson while you are there!
I am going to quickly pass this award along to several people who have made my day recently...
Ceekay...told me just yesterday that she reads my blog regularly, just hasn't commented. How cool is that? So cool, I think! Ceekay, here's to you. You Make My Day.
Farrah...who brings a chuckle to me with her dry witty humor, everytime I read her blog. And she changes her blog header so much it keeps my head spinning. But they are always so cheery that it just kinda makes you take a second look! Quick, go look, you'll see what I mean! Farrah, here's to you. You Make My Day.
Rue...makes living life look fun! Even if it is her peanut butter and jelly life. She knows how to say what she feels, so you feel it too. Rue, here's to you. You Make My Day.
AND those of you who have emailed me or called me or told my family to tell me, to let me know you read my blog but haven't commented. Well now see...You Make My Day, too!
Philip, my husband, YOU Make My Day!...just by being you! Thanks for reading my blog, and getting to know all of these great people too.
I would like to give everyone a big group hug. But since that is virtually (funny huh?..get it?) impossible, I'll just go hug Philip and the kiddos! How's that!
Have an awesome day.
Love, Rachel