Sunday, November 3, 2013

Giant Pumpkins

Our local paper told about a giant pumpkin grower who lives near  us.
  I wanted to go see his giant pumpkins.
  If I remember correctly one of them was weighed in as the second largest in the state.
By the time we got to see them, it was late at night and they had already been carved into jack-o-lanterns.
These are NOT your average pumpkins.
The paper stated as they were growing he put canopies over them to protect them, so they would have filtered light and he set mouse traps around the perimeter of them to keep rodents away.  At one point in the height of the growing season, they were gaining a pound an hour!
This is astonishing to me.
A couple of days later we went back and got pictures in the sunlight.
It was so dark when were were there before that I did not realize one of the big carved ones was white.
Have you ever seen such large pumpkins?
This just goes to show that more than corn grows in Indiana!


Donnie Pirtle said...

Wow, those are big! No, I have never seen any that size. They did a good job carving them too, there must have been a huge candle in them. I liked the two little Indians standing by the pumpkins. Have a wonderful day.

Sherry at The Rusty Pearl said...

That is awesome !!! That is some serious Miracle Grow happening. LOVED IT