I know I've shown you scads of photos of my bleeding heart blossoms, but truly they fascinate me! We've had several bone chilling, plant freezing, freeze warning kind of nights around here, since my plants started their first blush of growth toward springtime blooms. I thought I would be taking a photo of them in the snow, but alas they have survived the freeze warnings and I'm in for a few delightful weeks of the miraculous process of their gradual transformation into beautiful pink hearts.See my happy dance?
Look for miracles today. They are all around us, in what may appear to be mundane and ordinary. There are miracles in the rising of the sun, the greening of the grass, the sap swelling the leaves on the trees, the pollen floating from apple blossom to apple blossom. Actually each breath we take is miraculous!
Love, Rachel
Thanks for the reminder. Glad your plants made it and made such a beautiful example of God's goodness. Love your blog.
Rachel, thank you for sharing this beautiful analogy of God's love for us. Nature is, indeed, a testimony of His faithfulness! We too often take for granted His amazing love! May we all look for miracles around us. Many blessings to you!
Rachel...Thank you for your sweet visit! Steve and I are singing BROKEN AND SPILLED OUT Sunday Morning for Easter... This is such an emotional song...full of such an awesome example of a woman who loved her Lord soooo much that she spent over a year's salary just to anoint His feet.
Today...you BLESSED ME! Wanted you to know just how much. My heart is full and overflowing!
Love, Rebecca
Hi Rachel :)
Yes, miracles ARE everywhere! I'm so glad your bleeding hearts survived :)
I went out to check on my Bleeding Hearts yesterday. They looked a little under the weather, but hopefully they will perk up again. Have a blessed Easter week. Sally
So glad your bleeding hearts made it, mine aren't up yet, I don't know if you remember from last Spring, but I have the white ones! Still wishing I could divide them and share with you!
Donna Lynn
Hi Rachel,
I too love Bleeding Hearts and their beauty. I agree with you, every new day is a miracle. Thank you for the reminders in each and every miracle.
Wishing you and your family a beautiful Easter weekend. We will be rejoicing at home.
ML, Tracie
Hi Rachel,
I stopped by to wish you and your family Easter blessings.
Thanks for sharing another beautiful post.
I'm happy your bleeding heart is surviving! It is such an amazing flower!
Happy Easter!
Love, Esther
You are so right. My husband and I were just talking about the miracle that plants, bulbs, all of it - know to come out of the ground every spring! Amazing!
Rachel, I love your blog! I can always turn there when I need a cheerful thought!
As for your bleeding hearts, I have been doing the same with our mums. We surrounded our house with them last year in our landscaping remodel, and then heard that they may not be hardy mums, even though it said they would live forever:) But, alas, all but two have survived, I believe, and we will be seeing their lovely blooms later this summer! Even through our freeze warnings, they continue to sprout:)
Rachel, I do know how you love your bleeding hearts. Oh they are so pretty. I love them too. I'm so glad they survived. Happy Easter. Kathi
Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Easter!
Glad to hear they survived! I look forward to your beautiful photos of them!
I would soooooo love a bleeding hearts plant!
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