Monday, March 31, 2008
Tell 8 Things About Myself! You're kidding, right?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
That's Right!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Keeping My Promise
I wish these were at my home, but alas, I found them! As I was taking the picture, I reached down to flick away the leaf, when I paused to realize that blades of grass had grown up through the Pin Oak leaf. How can that be, that a tender soft blade of grass would push right through the fragile crunchy surface of a dead leaf? I call it a miracle, made by the Creator of Spring!
As I share this with you, I feel the excitement rushing through my veins that I felt as a small child, when every Spring, I would be searching the hillside by the creek, by the barn, anywhere, just to find the first tiny flower making it's miraculous announcement. I plucked it quickly and breathlessly rushed in to show Mother. She would express her excitement and joy appropriately, and then put the my treasured bloom in a cup of water. I felt like I won a trophy every year!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
You Made My Day Too!
Sweet Tracie, At My Petite Maison, sent me this award. You will remember her as the first featured porch on "My Romantic Porch". Thank you so much Tracie, for giving me this honor! Among other things, not the least of which is a beautiful dog ZEKE, she LOVES all things French, and because of her, I want to know more about the French language! She leaves me cheery happy comments everyday. Tracie...I'm blessed. YOU, Make My Day. I encourage you to go visit her and see her beautiful flowers, furry well loved pets, charming cottage, AND take a French lesson while you are there!
I am going to quickly pass this award along to several people who have made my day recently...
Ceekay...told me just yesterday that she reads my blog regularly, just hasn't commented. How cool is that? So cool, I think! Ceekay, here's to you. You Make My Day.
Farrah...who brings a chuckle to me with her dry witty humor, everytime I read her blog. And she changes her blog header so much it keeps my head spinning. But they are always so cheery that it just kinda makes you take a second look! Quick, go look, you'll see what I mean! Farrah, here's to you. You Make My Day.
Rue...makes living life look fun! Even if it is her peanut butter and jelly life. She knows how to say what she feels, so you feel it too. Rue, here's to you. You Make My Day.
AND those of you who have emailed me or called me or told my family to tell me, to let me know you read my blog but haven't commented. Well now see...You Make My Day, too!
Philip, my husband, YOU Make My Day!...just by being you! Thanks for reading my blog, and getting to know all of these great people too.
I would like to give everyone a big group hug. But since that is virtually (funny huh?..get it?) impossible, I'll just go hug Philip and the kiddos! How's that!
Have an awesome day.
Love, Rachel
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
How Beautiful...the little things are!
Several of the beautiful blogs that I read end each blog post with a scripture or inspirational thought.
I think it is so neat that these people find appropriate scriptures or quotes for their posting.
Amy, a beautiful lady that I don't know, but I've seen her blog, has recently experienced some struggles related to her eyesight. Her story has been very inspiring to follow. Before you finish reading, scroll back to the top of today's post, and notice how the light reflects on the different surfaces in each picture I've shown. Wow! Isn't it amazing when you stop and pay attention!
The quote I read on another blog, I'm sorry I don't remember where for sure, is this...
"Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
Robert Brault
As you think about this quote today, I believe you will be challenged as I have to think some NEW thoughts, and look at things with a different perspective.
I hope your day will be every bit as wonderful as all of you who faithfully read my blog and leave a comment. It may seem like such a little thing, but I love hearing from you.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I've Been Tagged Again
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wow! What A Wonderful Weekend
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Goin' On An Egg Hunt!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Spring! Yeessss! Spring!
Just in case you're all excited and thinking that I'm showing you my beautiful bounty of Spring flowers, I will let you down slowly and tell you that I'm so anxious to see flowers blooming, that I went back into our OLD pictures and found these beauties!
In my lifetime, the first day of Spring has never so closely coincided with Easter. People who follow the cycle of the Moon, and other acts of nature say it never will be this early, in my lifetime again, so I will enjoy this special occurrence.
Look closely, I think she stuck in her thumb and pulled out...why yes, it really is...
Celebrate everyone, break out into a happy dance, and while you're dancin' that happy jig, let me know what fun things you plan to do for Easter.
Be sure and check out Gail at The Tattered Nest. She is featured today on the sidebar to celebrate the arrival of Spring. Wouldn't it be fun to sip your favorite hot drink on her beautiful enclosed porch?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Another Home
Though I would never have thought to use this combination of colors, they have put them together quite tastefully. This view is of the right side (in the picture above) of the home.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I've Been Thinking
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day and Things That Style Our Nest
Here he goes, carrying his crunchy find, home to his nest. Can you see the nut in his mouth? I would love to see the inside of a squirrel's nest. I'm so curious to know if there are nuts all over the place, or are they stacked neatly in rows piled high behind a closet wall of leaves.
And to help you celebrate St. Patrick's Day, it's all about the leaves on the tree, that is!! Enjoy your day!