Friday, April 12, 2013

Absolutely Miraculous!

I was sharing with a friend recently that so many times, it is in the dark and difficult places that we learn and grow.
At one time it was said to us,
 "You must certainly have done something wrong or you wouldn't be experiencing this difficulty."
Being ever introspective, I have looked at that statement from many angles for many years.
What I have concluded is not profound!
 Yes, there are times when our bad choices will bring about a series of events that cause difficulty in life, but on the other hand, there are also those times that life just simply happens and we have no control of the hard time. 
We aren't being punished for doing something wrong.
It's life.
Life is hard sometimes.
No matter the reason, there are still lessons to be learned.
We can learn and grow if we want too.
As we strive to overcome, we gain a new perspective.
And hopefully as the days pass and seasons change, we see life through new eyes.
I know when the neighbor's Tulip tree blooms that Spring has officially arrived. 
And to think that just a few days ago, that same tree was covered with ice and snow and blowing in the cold wind. But it had all this beauty nestled deep inside each fragile branch. 
 That is astonishing. 
 It amazes me.  
It is nothing short of miraculous.
If we stop and acknowledge it, miracles happen before our very eyes, moment by moment.
Miracles are all around us.
The beauty of new life after the passing of winter takes my breath away.
You have a miracle inside you too! 
Miracles aren't always huge and bombastic.
Sometimes they come quietly in a still small way.
And they are noticed by the one who is watching and waiting in the stillness and silence.
Yes, sometimes waiting in the pain.
You may be in a cold and frozen season, but the miracle is there, waiting for the right time to burst out and surprise you with its beauty.
Did you know that the Tulip tree is the official tree of the State of Indiana?  Yes that tree right there in our neighbor's backyard is called a Tulip tree.  If is often referred to as a Tulip Magnolia.
I savor its beauty.
So there you go!
 A new perspective on pink trees...(and maybe miracles). 
 You're welcome!


Leslie said...

Oh, I love this! How true; sometimes life just is hard because sin has corrupted the created ones and the creation itself. Thank you for voicing that today.

And I am so pleased to learn that what is one of my most favorite trees is the state tree! I've loved the Tulip tree since my first leaf collection project in high school. Little joys of God's beauty! :)

Donnie said...

WOW!again. Sometimes it takes the cold dark days before the beauty of the spring flowers can come forth. As with life, the hard makes us strong if we allow it.
Have a wonderful day!

Claudia said...

What a beautiful post, Rachel! So true. Life can be very hard, indeed, but there are everyday miracles to celebrate always.


Sherry at The Rusty Pearl said...

Very wise and very true.. Life is us ups and downs for sure... lovely post

Zuzana said...

Hi, I found you through Sandy's blog.;)
What a lovely post - to a romantic, optimist and nature lover such as me, your words speak volumes.;)
Greetings from Denmark,