When the students who are Seniors this year were given their certificate, they had a teacher standing with them. After receiving their certificate, each student stepped to the podium with a large plaque and then said that the teacher standing with them had been their most influential teacher in their school career. After saying why that teacher had been most influential, they presented the plaque to the teacher. It was all so very touching to this sentimental mom who feels her emotions and the emotions of others quite deeply.
The Seniors were so poised and explained themselves well. Of course, there were a few clowns who had the entire audience laughing.
I must tell you to the best of my ability what one young lady said about a teacher.
The student said she had never had this woman for a teacher. She had interacted with her through club and extra-curricular involvement. The teacher was so caring and truly dedicated to all she did. She had inspired this student to be a better person and do all she could to achieve to her highest potential. Again, I am paraphrasing. BUT...here's the heart breaker. The student said, "Mrs. "Jane Doe" has never received 'A Most Influential Teacher Award' and I am so pleased to be the first student to ever present her with one, because Mrs. 'Jane Doe' teaches Special Education."
Isn't that absolutely touching? Teachers give of themselves everyday to build up the lives of their students, not just in learning ways. I know several teachers well. I have siblings and in - laws who are teachers. But because of the way our educational system and grading system is structured, those students who struggle to achieve the grading standards set forth by the state, will not have the opportunity in a setting specifically like this, to say thank you to Jane or John Doe who pours into them day after day.
One of my cousins was a Special Education teacher. Oh how she loved her students. They were her whole life. A few years ago late in October she was diagnosed with cancer and by mid- November she was gone. Her students were devastated. They never had a chance to stand at a podium and with pride present her with a plaque, but I believe that teachers don't teach because they expect plaques and acknowledgement. They teach because they love seeing others learn and grow in ways that would be impossible otherwise.

You know, I have those constant reminders that this moment is all we are truly blessed with to make a difference, to live life to the fullest. I don't want to waste it. I hope I haven't.
Love, Rachel
busy is right...it feels so good to be generous doesn't it?
Stay busy, spreading!!!!
The Bible says we are to be the Salt and the Light
hi! how are you! nice post!
would you love participate in my giveaway?? well, you´re invited of course!
What a lovely and touching post! Congratulations to your son. I know how much work it takes to get good grades! You must be so proud of him. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Oh, and congratulations on winning LeAnn's giveaway!
Victoria Lynn
Hi Rachel,
Congratulations to your son and also to you on winning LeAnn's giveaway.
What a proud mama you are! These are the kind of moments that we moms like to hide in our hearts and then pull out to relive later on. It's nice to hear that someone else is so deeply moved by those kinds of things.
I remember when my youngest son graduated from High School, he walked away with most of the awards in the mathematics/sciences category, plus a couple of other awards. He got a standing ovation when he won the Governor General Award while his mother sat in her seat blubbering all the way through it! How embarrassing is that? But I was filled with such pride in my son for his accomplishments and no one could take that away from me! I felt truly blessed and indeed, I still am! Thanks for sharing from your heart. I always appreciate that about you. Have a wonderful day.
Seeing young people develop, grow, and mature into strong adults is such a wonderful thing! It is precious that that student was thoughtful enough to give 'Mrs. Jane Doe' that award! How proud HER mom must have been!
Congratulations to your son! And what beautiful flowers your family is creating!
Love you all!
A wonderful opportunity for the students to recognize a small part of what the teachers have given to them, Very touching.
The kids have fun with duck tape. Last Christmas, one son made wrapping paper(?) with duck tape. I still have the sheet of it.
Rachel~ This post is absolutely beautiful- it truly left me with tears. What a wonderful way to recognize teachers- how touching. I am a special ed teacher (25 years!) and this post resonated with me on so many different levels. You know- we do what we do because we love what we do- it's NEVER about the recognition- it's ALWAYS about the kids- always. Thank you for sharing this- I need to go get some kleenex. Have a great day and congrats on winning the tea set from LeAnn (lucky- lol)!
~ Patti
That is definitely true about duck tape... you can make ANYTHING out of it. My personal favorite... an iPod case. Check em out! And download the free instructions on how to make one!! http://www.totallytape.com/
There's no way, you've wasted it Rachel. You make the best of every moment... I am so proud to call you a friend. This was a beautiful post.
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