Thank you to all of you friends, family and acquaintances who faithfully ready my blog and then let me know that you are enjoying it. I appreciate it so much. I enjoy reading your comments and emails, or getting your phone calls or simply running into you and hearing it in person. This world wide web is an amazing thing. Whoever thought I could write it and someone in South Africa, Australia or right here in my little town could read it all at the same time? And you do! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you'd like to wish Karla a happy birthday today, you can click on the cute little kitty in my sidebar and you'll zoom right there to her desktop and be able to do that! Karla, I hope your day is super happy!
Love, Rachel
Beautiful keepsakes! I'm sentimental too. I'm working on the decorating long before your American Thanksgiving as I like to enjoy the season as long as possible. Truth be told, I'd probably keep my tree up all year round if I thought I could get away with it! Thanks for sharing; enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner & enjoy your day.
I have to admit I'm anxious to get started on the Christmas decorating; but I'm trying to hold off until after Thanksgiving. The glimpse of your tree is wonderful. Sally
Happy birthday, Karla! I hope it's the best yet!
Beautiful tree! It is fun having a "sentimental tree!"
Have a great day!
Love, Esther
HI love the little keepsake tree
Yes Christmas it so fun..I have a little tiny trees up too (:)
I have my brakes on till the day after Tahnksgiving~~
big hugs, Patty
What a neat idea, a keepsake tree!
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