Are you kidding me? -4 degrees out there? It is 40 degrees warmer in Anchorage, Alaska! Mr. Romantic Porch checks Anchorage's temp daily...really. Only one time this winter that he knows of has it been colder there than here. Craziness! Why should I send my kids to school in this? Windchill of - 25! Wonder if the car will start?
Well, I suppose MY children need some grueling stories to tell THEIR children of how they went to school when it was this cold or something like that! Huh?
Thank you so much for all of your kind and thoughtful comments in the previous posting. That was a wonderful unexpected result of just thinking out loud. I have been overwhelmed with your kindness. How sweet of you.
Have a wonderful chilly day. And doesn't a big pot of beef stew sound yummy? What do you like to eat when it is this cold?
Love, Rachel
Brrrrr is right .. we have -10 below this morning..I think Mother Nature is mad at the whole country right now.. Stay in and stay warm.. hugs ~lynne~
Hi there,
We're in the deep freeze too. When I got up this morning it was
-20 with a wind chill of -28 celcius. It's supposed to be colder than this tomorrow! Brrrr!
I'm glad we have a pellet stove burning in the family room! Stay warm and have a lovely day.
Oh, dear! I'm sorry it's so cold there! Stay warm!
The beef stew sounds wonderful!! Enjoy!
Love, Esther
Southern Oklahoma is a brisk 20 today. But no snow. :-(
Hope it warms up a notch or two for you all...
It is pretty brisk here too!! Especially for Georgia and I think the temps will be around 11 degrees in the a.m. One thing about cold weather is that it will truly make you feel alive! You have to step a little quicker it seems. What to eat when it's really, really cold.... I love Chicken stew, which is actually called Chicken Mull. My Aunt Ethel is the one who got me hooked on it. The recipe is on my website. Doesn't sound too good, but it is real comfort food!
Stay as warm as you can!
We are wimps here in California. If it gets below 40º here we walk around bundled up like it's snowing outside. Can't imagine living in that cold your living in.
When it's cold though I like eating clam chowder.
Dear Rachel,
Oh dear, it is cold there. Widh you could come here and enjoy the warm 27 degrees we enjoy. Come over and I'll give you some good chili and cornbread.
Love you, Donnie
That is wish you could be here.
Just got around to reading these last two posts, Rachel. Beautiful words and thoughts, your "thinking out loud..." Thanks for sharing!
It is VERY WARM here today but even Beef Stew sounds good for dinner tonight. Thanks for the idea.
I love to eat meatloaf when it is this chilly--the ultimate comfort food!
Hi Rachel~ It's a tad chilly up in Chicago as well...-35 wind chills and we are on our 2nd Snow Day as of tomorrow("yippee" says the teacher- even though we have to make it up later...) I love to have soup when it's cold out and get cozy and watch movies and read.
Stay warm!
Sorry, it is so cold there. It was lovely here today - I went out with just my jean jacket on, and I live in Colorado. Stay warm. Sally
Its pretty chilly here in Canada buses were cancelled 3 days in a row! I couldn't believe the amount of complaints from parents. With the windchill we were at -40 at times and other times -35 or lower. I work in a school and my kids stayed home. Its nice to hear a parent who is concerned enough not to send their kids.
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