Sunday, May 18, 2014

Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Do you have some days that are particularly grueling?
Do you?

Yeah, me too!

Last Wednesday,
 May 7th,
was sunny and warm.
I can't remember if there were clouds in the sky.
But certainly there seemed to be no rain, anywhere.

We had an appointment,
downtown Indianapolis.
From the 25th floor
 of the high rise office building,
everything was clear,
it seemed.
The sun was shining brightly
 and glinting off the mirrored
windows of the other buildings.
 the streets stretched through canopies of trees,
making the downtown look more like a forest,
than a bustling city.
From my vantage point,
I saw the cars,
 and buses and bicycles,
and pedestrians
and watched the symphony
 of hurry and scurry.
There seemed to be some order to all of it.
But I couldn't help but wonder what the lives
on the streets below me were bearing. 
What were the stories being written in those lives,
those lives on the streets below?
 Around 8 p.m. our meeting ended.
We headed toward home.
Dusk was beginning to show the shadows of night.
As we drove,
 I was sorting through files
and rearranging notes.
I looked up to my right,
 just in time to see this rainbow!
A rainbow?
It wasn't raining.
There was no rain.
In my concentration
on the task at hand,
I almost missed this miracle!
And I've lived long enough...
just barely long enough...
to realize that things are not always
as they seem.
no rain
still a rainbow
behind clouds
seeds germinating below the soil
then harvest comes
That's where faith and trust come in.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
 neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
 so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah chapter 55 verses 8-9 
Old Testament Holy Bible
Are you struggling with faith and trust? 
Are your feelings clouding your dreams?
Things are not always as they seem.


Donnie Pirtle said...

Beautiful picture and post. A good reminder, science says there can't be a rainbow without rain, yet you have proof of the rainbow. As the world says, you can't have faith and trust in God, there is no such thing! I am reading the book "The Work of Faith" by George Muller, his faith in God and his needs being meet. I am praying for need and miracles to be received. Just as you have the proof of a rainbow, may we see proof of our miracles. With faith and trust we hold on to God's hand. Have a wonderful day.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I really like this post, you are so good at expressing yourself and teaching others at the same time!

I also like the doggie story!
