Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What A Lucky Dog

I need one of those real "fancy smancy" cameras to zoom in on animals
 because I think they do the funniest things when they think you aren't looking,
or something like that.
And this would have been a crazy great photo,
with the right zoom lens.
in my opinion
You know some people say to let sleeping dogs lie...
I don't know if that's a very good idea.
In this case,
 it struck me as funny,
 seeing the ole' coon pup
 sleeping so hard his nose was "smushed" to the ground.
But I have told you before, I am easily entertained...
lucky for the dog!

Has your dog done something funny in the last couple of days?


Donnie Pirtle said...

You should hear about all the things Daisy has been doing. Praying for a wonderful day there.

Ella Ruth Going said...

Your dog must remember me. :-) He didn't bark when we delivered the plants the other evening.