Wednesday, September 11, 2013

There Is SO MUCH To Say

On the blank pages in the back of my mother's Bible, she wrote  words
 that have had profound impact on what I say and write.

Though she is gone, she still has influence.
She wrote:
Is it true?
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
All words should be put through this filter.
So I ask myself:
Is it true?
  Of course.
Is it kind? 
 Yes, certainly.
Is it necessary?!
Not necessary at all.
So I stop.
Don't say it.
Don't write it.
Don't finish my words,
delete an email,
a blog post,
a text.
And a lot of times I fail.
MOST of the time, I feel like I fail.
But still I try.
I strive.
That's all.



Sherri said...

I don't know how many times I've deleted a comment because I don't want it to come back and haunt me for any reason. It's easy enough to know if it's true or kind, but it's a lot harder to know if it's necessary. And then there's the times I didn't delete and it did come back to haunt me... even if it's because no one else posted. I can't help but wonder if feelings were hurt. Most of the times it's easier to lurk than to post and when we do that, people may think we don't care of didn't see their post. *sigh* Ok, so I'm rambling. :-)

Judy said...

I'm going to remember what your mother wrote, true words she wrote. Thanks for sharing it with us.