Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Today's What! (Updated)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Have a great summer day!
Love, Rachel
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
To Cheer You On Monday Morning!! ;)

"Yes, I did!"
I couldn't wait to show you this amazing photo. I have no idea how all of these pieces were staying on this little trailer. But I suppose he was headed to the local recycle center to sell it since it all appeared to be metal.
I hope this brought you an early Monday morning chuckle. It certainly brought one to us!
Love, Rachel
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What? UPDATED: The joke is on me!!!!
I said I knew what this little insect is! Well after the responses suggested a cicada, I figured I better not be so sure of myself and do a little research. You see where I grew up in the Southern USA, (well it's south if you live in the north, but it's Midwest if you live in the east and it's east if you live in the west!!!) Did you get all of that? Anyway, in Arkansas, we called these little bugs "locusts", and they have always fascinated me. But when I googled a locust, I found a picture and description of a grasshopper! Imagine my astonishment. But when I googled cicada, I saw a photo of you guessed it................this amazing little bug! In my defense though, the nickname for cicada IS locust!
{smiling smugly ;p}
Last Saturday when I snapped this picture, the bug had just emerged from its' shell to dry and begin an adult life. What amazes me is that we had just parked this car in the driveway a mere 3 hours earlier, and I see no way the "nymph" could have been hanging onto the tire while we drove 65 miles an hour on the interstate. Could it possibly have emerged in 3 hours or less?
So well now, the joke is on me!!! I was going to tell you it is a locust, but instead, I'm now "highly educated" (said as a joke) in this species of insect, and I will tell you it is in fact a cicada! As we'd say in Arkansas, "Y'all were right!"
See it still sitting on the shell? Aren't these wings beautiful?
Love, Rachel
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Giggling. "Momma, that's a tree."
"You're right. It is a tree."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
House or Home?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Munch Munch Yum!

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
Friday, August 15, 2008
Pray on Buggie!

Have a wonderful day.
Love, Rachel
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Our Guests

Have I shown you this old black and white photo? Apparently it was taken soon after the homes on this street were completed. Our home is second from the right. At the time we purchased our house it was owned by the mayor of our little town and his wife. They had raised their five children here. When we closed on the purchase, she gave us this snapshot. She said, "I want you to have this old photo of the house. I always wanted to restore the front porch. And the house is big enough in which to raise five children!" Thank you JoAnn! I want to restore the front porch too.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sights of Summer

Have a wonderful summer day.
Love, Rachel
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
School! Already?

Have a wonderful day too!
Love, Rachel
Monday, August 11, 2008
College and Beyond

Isn't life interesting...the ups and downs and highs and lows. "Stuffed bunny" says, "Come on, let's go make today be a great day." Many times it's all in how we look at it, isn't it?
Love, Rachel
P.S. Yes, we do wash our stuffed animals around here...but we use the washing machine instead! Petite princess took this photo, and it made me laugh! I hope it makes you laugh too!
Friday, August 8, 2008
An Update

Sorry for the delay but it’s taken all summer for word to filter back that none of the students on the VEX robotics teams from Chengdu, China we’re impacted by the earthquake. Please pass this good news along to anyone who might be interested. Our thoughts are with those who were less fortunate in this tragic event.
Joel Carter
VP Marketing
Innovation First, Inc.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Healthy Living

About 9 years ago, through a series of events, I quit drinking AS MUCH (key words there) pop. Now I don't know if that is a grammatically correct way to say it or not, but I just quit "living on" Dr. Pepper, and Pepsi. Don't know why...I just loved the stuff. But I realized that it was not good for me and cut WAY back...sometimes not drinking any for extended periods, other times drinking very little. Around here, many times days are measured in how many days it's been since drinking pop.
During the season of lent the "thing" my sons and I would generally give up?...yep, pop! Pop that's what we call it in our family. It's never been an issue with Mr. Romantic Porch. He can take it or leave it. But I crave it! Unless we are entertaining guests, I don't buy it anymore for our home. If we have it we have to go somewhere to get it. That way it is an effort to indulge!
I'm so proud! Both of our sons early this year quit drinking pop. All on their own they started drinking water. One son does have it occasionally, but the other one is drinking exclusively water. We never told them to do such a thing. We've just tried across these 9 years or so to make healthy choices, and it is so neat to see them grasp the concept too.
OK, so now you know way more about us than you asked for, but there it is...today's healthy living posting!
Love, Rachel
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Linda! I hope it is a wonderful day for you!
Love, Rachel
Monday, August 4, 2008
August Featured Porch...or Romantic Terrace!

I know you will enjoy meeting this lovely lady and learning about the diversity of her life experiences. Kathryn has given me permission to use the photographs of her terrace, and you will see them on her blog also.
Have a wonderful August day sweet readers, and if you get too hot, just drop by Kathryn's "Tea Balcony," for a cool refreshing breeze and maybe some yummy strawberries!
Love, Rachel