P.S. I have heard that geese and other fowl mate for life. Have you?
A friend was throwing out her leftover yard sale stuff. Did I want any of it she asked me? Well, I looked and looked and came across this handy little thingy that is pictured above. Is it a planter or a shelf? I decided to use it as a shelf right by the door...it's a perfect place to set a hot cup of coffee when your hands are full.
I thought about painting it white of course, but hhhmmm....maybe I'll just leave it this rusty reddish brown color...I kinda like it's drabbiness. Is drabbiness a word? What do you think? Should the shelf be painted white?
Oh, and another thing that I retrieved from my friend's sale castaways is the beautiful ivory soup tureen that is shown in the post below. Yep, the one right behind the pink porcelain baby shoe. I can't wait to serve a big pot of soup from it. Just think, two items that she was throwing out, I will use and I love them!
Do you recycle?
Love, Rachel
note to self..."no, drabbiness isn't a word...at least I don't think so...spell checker doesn't think so either...oh well, tah tah for now
Love, Rachel
P.S. Is "jingle bells" stuck in your head now? giggle smile!