Saturday, April 17, 2010

I've Been Asked

I've been asked to fix alot of things. Like this week another one of my sisters and I cranked out 24 prom dresses...we're working on 14 prom dresses, 1 wedding dress and 3 bridesmaids dresses and finishing a set of draperies today. I have an appointment coming in a few minutes for a fitting so I'm jumping on to do a posting and right back off, but I just had to show you this...butterfly.
Yes, I've been asked to fix alot of things like prom dresses and such or the pockets of my Mr. RP's jeans or torn back pack straps for the teenagers or broken toys or torn story book pages, but the sweetest one that stopped me in my tracks was the request to fix the broken wing of this beautiful butterfly. Alas, I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do except watch it flounder in misery and it made my heart sad.
But sometimes that's the way life is. It deals those blows that can't be fixed and so we find joy and peace amidst the sadness.
In spite of it all have a great weekend. I promise, I really will be back. Gotta scurry...not enough time.


Rebecca Nelson said...

I'd be simply NUTS if I had that many dresses to sew. You are one amazing lady.

The butterfly's broken wing made me sad. I saw a wasp (yep...a wasp!)struggle to live on the ground outside my front door yesterday morning. I didn't know what was wrong with him but I hated to see him suffer. Nothing should ever have to suffer.

Love to you~Rebecca

Donnie said...

I hope you get a few minutes of a breather before diving into another big mountain of prom, wedding, and bridesmaids dresses.
Even though you can fix the butterfly wing I know you were able to give comfort the the little one who ask.
Have a wonderful day, Donnie

Esther said...

What a sweet post! I hope the projects are all coming together!

Love, Esther

Miss Liz said...

This is so very true. Sometimes there are things in life we want to fix but despite our best efforts sometimes you can't do it. I can't imagine making so many prom dresses, wow!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so precious and yet so sad. I understand that feeling Rachel. I have been known to take an injured bird or a shrew a kid took from a cat to The Audubon Society. I pray you can fix alot more things than not. Blessings, T~