Beauty is springing up all around. The leaves on the trees look as though they are about to burst into full green. The lawn did really turn green in just one day!
I love watching this backyard across from our backyard change from Winter to Spring.
Have a wonderful day. We've been dodging raindrops and muddy unfinished sidewalks, but if we try, we can dodge them with happiness.
Love, Rachel
Hi Rachel ~ sounds like you guys are have a great time!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Rachel, I'm so glad you're having a great time with your family. Enjoy every minute!
Busy indeed...and remember as Mother alway reminded me, "busy people are happy people". :-)
Hi Rachel,
Looks like Spring has finally sprung your way. We still have snow melting around here. I did hear a song sparrow today though so that's a good sign. Enjoy your weekend.
It sounds like you are have a great time making your memories:) I love spring!!!
We're not seeing many signs of spring here... at least not much color yet. Lotsa snow still. It's been snowing about every day. It covers the ground during the night, then melts during the day. But it's April! So it can't keep this up for long. Can it?
Hi Rachel; Glad you are having a great time with your family, and that is the way is should be... We are always going to be here waiting for ya..... I love that photo of your backyard neighbor's back yard...
We are getting some buds on our trees now,,, it is a bout time.
I've enjoyed my visit here tonight! We have a pair of ducks that return to our yard every spring. My kids named them Maggie and Robin. They like the little pond across the street and love our neighbors POOL!
Hi RAchel, what a romantic picture! Is this your house? I've been busy too...
We all get busy at times and we must remember our families come first! Have a great time with your family. I'm so glad that spring is finally getting here!
Oh, my! If this is a picture from this year, Spring is really Springing at your house! I'm so happy for you! I'm glad you've had a fun Spring Break! I love family memories!
Love, Esther
Beautiful picture! Hope that your week will just be as beautiful...
I haven't been here for a while. Have missed you, glad you are enjoying time with your family! I've just have my second eye surgery.
Happy Easter!
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