Sunday, April 12, 2015

Did You Know That Was There?

The words on this sign
are from
I Corinthians 13,
commonly called
"The Love Chapter."

You've probably seen it,
heard it,
and have it hanging in your bedroom.

So ya know
how you go
down the list
checkin' it twice...
(at least I do anyway)
sayin' "ouch"
"oh yeah, I'VE got this in the bag!"

You don't do that?

A few months ago
(it hangs where I can read it daily)
I was reading through this
my heart throb
my heart pulse
my heart attitude
my heart adjustment
my heart longing... be

To love God
and others
as I am shown
to love,

and there it was
plain as day
right at the bottom

I saw. ..

"What?", I thought.
Since when did love start to persevere?

Silly me!

How did I miss that?
After all these years!
I mean I KNOW it does persevere,

but seriously, did you know that
 that word
was the last word in this series of verses?

I haven't been able to stop thinking
of all the ways to put that word
into practice.

Life just kind of helps us
 put it into practice too!

Doesn't it?

How do you think love...

If I do not have love,
I am nothing.
So I will continue to


Donnie Pirtle said...

Yes, we must all continue to persevere, in everything everyday.
Have a wonderful day!

Rue said...

Hi Rachel!! I'm so happy you commented on my blog and I'm even happier that you're still blogging! I missed you :)

And yes, I do think loves perseveres. It has to :)

Great to hear from you!

love to you,

A Romantic Porch said...

Rue, I was so happy to see that you had started a new blog! !

A Romantic Porch said...

Rue, I was so happy to see that you had started a new blog! !