Remember the time you started looking at old photos from several Christmas seasons past, and you were surprised to see this one of the bathroom
And you thought about all the keepsakes that were loaded in this tree in the dining room
And you sighed when you saw the soft white and gold that lit the stairway that year
And you wondered how old this glass ornament is
And you thought about how much you love your husband and how this year he told you all the places he enjoyed seeing a Christmas tree in the house
And you smiled when you saw the photo of this little ivory tree that was used so much it fell apart
And you decided right then and there that someday you wanted a bunch of white Christmas trees to decorate in "sherberty" colors to make the house look like a Dr. Seuss Christmas house
And you thought that the gold on the mantel could have been toned down just a touch with some white or silver
And you reminisced about the second Christmas you were married and a new friend was depressed and wasn't going to decorate for Christmas or clean her house
And you told her that her children needed to have some Christmas cheer
So you cleaned and decorated her house for Christmas because Jesus loves her and so did you
And you wonder what ever happened to her and her children
And you thought about how fast time is passing
And you chuckled when you remembered your daughter saying she had decided that the lamb was God's favorite animal because the Bible sure talked about lambs a lot
And you wondered how you should decorate your own foyer this year
Because if you don't hurry up, you won't have time after decorating for other people
And you thought about the year that you used a lot of lavender Christmas decor around the house and how you were definitely tired of that look because it seemed so "last Tuesday" or something
And you really loved the white and gold and silver that you used that one year and you wondered if you would like to use it again
And you remembered that these poor little trees were used so much that they fell apart too
But you remembered that you had used fabric that you had on hand from other projects and it was really budget friendly to achieve this look in the foyer

And you almost, yep almost, laughed out loud when you remembered that last year you put this tree in the window seat?
Yeah, did you remember all that as your memories flashed before your eyes?
And the look in the foyer was understated and quickly put together...and it showed.
But you knew that whatever you decided to do with the Christmas decor,
Christmas would come and go
and all you really needed to
decorate the foyer for Christmas
for those who live here
and those who come and go through your door.