And to all a good night!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas Eve.
There is a little game that comes from Mr. RP's side of the family that you play by being the first one to say, "Happy Christmas Eve Gift". That's it! I really don't know the background of it, but if you are the first one to say it on Christmas Eve, you are the winner. I don't know who won in our household this year, um, maybe me!
So, happy Christmas Eve gift to you too!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December Featured Porch
So Mom and Dad, thank you for being willing to share your romantic porch with us. Happy Anniversary. I'm sure you'll celebrate. Most of all, thank you that your family included my very own "Mr. RP"! I love you too!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Yes, I Am Still Blogging!

I have so much to mind never stops, but how much of it is of interest to all y'all out there, or am I just processing the daily routine of our lives?
The college son is home for the holidays. He was interviewed yesterday for an article in the February issue of the University magazine.
The high school son is participating in a leadership conference today with one of our US Senators. He's one of two chosen from his high school.
The little girl finally figured out what she wants for Christmas. Ah, the excitement of childhood.
Mr. Romantic Porch feels terribly that we're having such fits with this computer.
Mrs. Romantic Porch is working on a "fund raising idea" to buy a new computer!!!
Since the first of November I've done alterations or redesigns on 45 garments and made 6 window treatments...gotta get off of here and finish up two dresses before 10:45 am for gala/parties tonight and tomorrow.
The dress in the photos only needed to be enlarged by 8 1/2 inches. It was an amazing MILANO creation!
And so, I will be back!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Because I Don't Want to Forget

I'll find out this afternoon!
Isn't it interesting when the kiddos are tucked in bed and it is time to turn out the lights that they love to talk about their day...the words just seem to flow as though they have to get it all said before you leave the room. At least that is the way it has been across the years in our household.
A couple of nights ago she was talking about her day and she said, "You know how the sun was digesting the water!"
An adult with "proper perspective" would have corrected her and explained how the sun was causing the water to evaporate.
I didn't correct her...because I don't want to forget to see life though the innocent eyes of a child's perspective.
Have a wonderful day.
xo rachel
Monday, November 9, 2009
November Featured Porch
Hello sweet blog friends. It is with great joy and extreme excitement that I am able to share with you another blog post and the November 2009 Featured Porch. Due to patient and heroic efforts of Mr. Romantic Porch, he was able to get our "elderly" computer to be cooperative and Sharon at Rose of Sharon is our featured porch. So take a look and enjoy her gorgeous photos and what she says about her romantic porch.
" I love fall and I love to decorate, so what's a girl gonna do? LOL!
A few years ago I found this fabulous old cast iron pot at a church rummage sale. It was all rusty and beat up, but I thought it would go perfectly on the front porch for fall with floating candles in it.
I added acorns to the water for an added fall touch. We don't have an acorn tree, so I went down to the high school where there is an oak tree and got down on my hands and knees and picked up all these acorns. People probably thought I was going nuts! Get it...nuts....hee-hee! :0) I was a bit disappointed that most of them sunk to the bottom, only a hand full of them floated, but you can still see them and they add a little drama!
I stacked some old wooden fruit crates to create this little display area by the front door. Most of these items are just things that I found in our garden shed.
Here's what our porch looks like at night with the candles lit.
I know I have a lot of things on the porch, but it is nice because I will leave it all up until I bring out my Christmas decorations. It is very fun and rewarding for me to decorate my home for each season and holiday. I love the homeyness it brings and my family appreciates it too."
Sharon, thank you for sharing your beautiful porch with us. It truly casts a romantic atmosphere for those who come to your front door.
Please visit Sharon and tell her you saw her beautiful porch.
Have a wonderful day. I'm so excited to finally have another blog posting!
xo rachel
I added acorns to the water for an added fall touch. We don't have an acorn tree, so I went down to the high school where there is an oak tree and got down on my hands and knees and picked up all these acorns. People probably thought I was going nuts! Get it...nuts....hee-hee! :0) I was a bit disappointed that most of them sunk to the bottom, only a hand full of them floated, but you can still see them and they add a little drama!
I know I have a lot of things on the porch, but it is nice because I will leave it all up until I bring out my Christmas decorations. It is very fun and rewarding for me to decorate my home for each season and holiday. I love the homeyness it brings and my family appreciates it too."
Sharon, thank you for sharing your beautiful porch with us. It truly casts a romantic atmosphere for those who come to your front door.
Please visit Sharon and tell her you saw her beautiful porch.
Have a wonderful day. I'm so excited to finally have another blog posting!
xo rachel
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Let's Try This Again!

Doesn't it just crack you up when you see how easy this is? Just take it up under each arm 1 and 5/8 of an inch! That. is. all!
The "professionals" could make a new one start to finish, but it was impossible to change this one.
Well, I could make a new one start to finish too, but why not make this one work just fine? So that is what we did!
It was fun!
I guess it doesn't take much for me to have fun, does it?

I hope you enjoyed our little trip around the neighborhood. Now I'll see if the computer will let me truly show you!
xo rachel
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just So You Know
We are having problems with our computer.
I am very careful about what I do and when I am on it.
Our computer's main purpose it to produce survey drawings with an AUTO CAD program. She is very very old, ten years old in fact.
Yep, I know we need a new one.
Until then we're taking care of what we have.
So she gets pampered a lot! She doesn't like me to leave comments or follow or scroll through blogs that have a lot of fancy things to do. Sometimes I think she makes me look "plum stuck up"!
And for all of you who have asked to be my friend on Facebook...she growls about that too. Just says, "Hrmph!" and grinds down to a stop. But I love you anyway!
I still have a gillion things I want to tell you, and all kinds of things I want to show you. As soon as I can I will! I promise.
Thank you for following me and visiting me anyway!
I don't know why you keep coming back, but I'm so grateful that you do!
Just so you know.
xo rachel
Friday, October 9, 2009
This Really Works!
Ugh, oh my the fruit flies.
They drive me crazy this time of year.
I've even kept the fruit and veggies on the back porch to keep the fruit flies out there!
Sharon shared an idea that works wonderfully.
Ah, bless her!
This is what you do:
Put a few drops of Dawn dish detergent in the bottom of a glass and then add about 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar to the Dawn. My family gags with the smell of vinegar...but I did it anyway! Poor dears! But they haven't missed the little critters one tiny bit!
I used one of my vinegar cruets. I think they are cute and aren't mistaken for a dirty glass sitting on the counter. You don't even have to have the mixture by the fruit. I actually like to have it in a obscure place so the flies are attracted to go over there instead.
The fruit flies go right to it and sink to the bottom of the glass. In a couple of days, if I start seeing flies again, I add a tiny bit more vinegar.
This is amazing. It makes me so happy.
And so, I hope you have a happy day too, even if it takes a little bit of vinegar and dish detergent to do it!
xo rachel
p.s~please spare me the embarrassment if I'm the only one in the entire world with fruit flies and sympathize with me anyway ;)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ladybug Fly Away Home!

I just wanted you to see what I saw. I knew you'd find it interesting too!
When you were a kid did you chant this rhyme?
Ladybug, Ladybug fly away home.
You're house is on fire
your children will burn!
We did!
Where in the world did that come from?
Have a great day, however you spend it...chanting rhymes, observing insects...whatever makes you happy...
xo rachel
Monday, October 5, 2009

I've pondered it a lot since then. It is interesting "food" for thought.
The Optimist Creed
"Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."
The next to the last phrase...fits me to a "T"! I definitely don't have time to be critical of others. I'd better scram and get this day on the move! Have an optimistic day!
xo rachel
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
September 30th Really?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I Didn't Mind

So the next evening I repainted the small section of wood that had the paint washed away. But I didn't mind...not one little bit.
Who would complain after witnessing such brilliance after a thunderous rain shower?
It was a great reminder to keep watching for small joys and blessings. Sometimes the reminders are written across the sky.
xo rachel
Friday, September 25, 2009
Here It Is!

Have a great day!
xo rachel
Thursday, September 24, 2009
You Can Almost See

xo rachel
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Just A Hint

But we need rain AND it's supposed to rain for 3 days. However it has been raining in short bursts, so there's still hope!
I'm really not teasing you. OR am I?
xo rachel
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Contented As A Cow

As I stood there with the prism pole exactly where he told me I'd find the iron pipe, I looked at the cows. They were so contentedly swishing their tails and chewing their cud. I chuckled and through the walkie talkie could not resist making this completely ungrounded comment, "These cows over here think I'm cute! He said, "How do you know? Are they mooing at you?" "No" I replied, "they are swishing their tails and batting their eyelashes at me!" Oh my have you ever seen a cow's eyelashes? They must be at least
2 inches long!
Old Testament Psalm (NIV) chapter 50 verses 7 - 10: Hear, O my people,...I am God, your God. I do not rebuke you for your sacrifices or your burnt offerings, which are ever before me. I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.
Have a restful day as you enjoy HIS creation.
xo rachel
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fragile Sparkles

xo rachel
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